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Libros de Aubrey Malphurs (2 libros)

Planeamiento Estrategico

Libro Planeamiento Estrategico

SPANISH EDITION. This book helps us to understand why planning is so important for achieving the mission of the church. His answers to nine fundamental questions in ministry present a method for helping many churches to articulate their vision and to implement their mission. Here we have practical tools that every ministry leader needs to prepare for the future.

Maximice su efectividad, derribe sus limitaciones / Maximizing Your Effectiveness, Knock Down Your Limitations

Libro Maximice su efectividad, derribe sus limitaciones / Maximizing Your Effectiveness, Knock Down Your Limitations

SPANISH EDITION. All Christians should desire to know the purpose of their life and how to serve in the best way in the body of Christ. This is a practical guide that will take you, step by step, through the process of reaching your maximum potential in ministry. It will help you discover your spiritual gifts, temperament and leadership style and give you ministry areas where you can practice them. Discover the satisfaction of living and serving according to your divine design!