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Libros de Bob Sorge (2 libros)

Esto es un asunto Personal

Libro Esto es un asunto Personal

Jesus is not merely an entrepreneur who has found a promising enterprise on one of His planets. Rather, He is a ravished Bridegroom who has come to win the affections of a lovesick Bride. That makes it personal to Him. In an age when ministry success is often measured by church growth statistics and name recognition, Jesus is calling us to once again return to the simplicity of serving Him because it's personal for us, too.

Sumergete en El Rio Dios

Libro Sumergete en El Rio Dios

Following the River A Vision for Corporate Worship. Using a sound Scriptural foundation, the author paints a vivid picture of what corporate worship can become. Get a glimpse of where God is taking us. There is a sweep-you-off-your-feet depth to the river of God's delights that is more than possible, it is inevitable! Fasten your seatbelt! This book may wound a few sacred cows, but it will clarify your vision for the powerful potential of corporate worship.