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Libros de Carlos Marzal (2 libros)

Sentimiento del toreo

Libro Sentimiento del toreo

Literature, like all arts, has always found inspiration in the world of bullfighting, and can not avoid acknowledging its debt to the rich and complex emotions aroused by the "ritual of fear." Under the title of "Feeling of bullfighting", we present an exquisite collection of texts of great bullfighting fans, mostly writers, but also bullfighters-focused on the mystery that takes place in the rings with wit, sensitivity and emotion.

Los pobres desgraciados hijos de perra

Libro Los pobres desgraciados hijos de perra

The twelve stories in this book are set in a vacation town. In this universe, everything revolves around the ""violent and confused youth"" and what that means: the passions, discoveries and freedom, first disappointments, the confrontation with death and drugs, and the indelible track that leaves in adults all of that was dreamed in the younger years.