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Libros de Jennifer Taylor (2 libros)

Rachel's Child

Libro Rachel's Child

Her lie came back to haunt her… Ten years ago Rachel and Stephen had had an affair—and the result was little Jamie. For reasons of her own, Rachel had told Stephen that Jamie was someone else's child. But when Rachel finally admitted Stephen was the father, he wouldn't believe her. He was convinced Rachel was a conniving, scheming woman who would go to any lengths to get what she wanted—and she appeared to want Stephen. Perhaps it wasn't a case of what Rachel wanted at all, but what Jamie needed—a dad! Jennifer Taylor "is sure to touch each and every heart in a unique but fierce way." ...

Un Beb? por su cuenta

Libro Un Beb? por su cuenta

Lucy es enfermera. Un d?a la vida le da una sorpresa cuando su antiguo amor el Dr. Connor vuelve para encargarse del departamento de pediatr?a. ?l la habr?a dejado para marcharse a Am?rica ?por qu? ha vuelto ahora? El encontrarse con Connor le produce mucha ansiedad. Al abandonarla la dej? sola criando a una hija... y ahora Connor ha vuelto para reclamar su sitio como el leg?timo padre de Isabel. Lucy no est? dispuesta a permitir que Connor se acerque a Lucy tan f?cilmente despu?s de abandonarlas, pero Connor tiene otras ideas...