
Para pasar de un ingles aprendido a la soltura de un idioma, esta obra le facilita el camino a el vocabulario economico, politico, informativo, etc. Aproximandole al mismo tiempo al americano y americanismos.
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Para pasar de un ingles aprendido a la soltura de un idioma, esta obra le facilita el camino a el vocabulario economico, politico, informativo, etc. Aproximandole al mismo tiempo al americano y americanismos.
French course for Spanish speakers A course that doesn't involve learning by heart, ideal for beginners and for a refresher course. Learners can start to speak French within two months, gaining an intuitive knowledge of grammar. Within six months, learners can take part in everyday conversation with a vocabulary of 1,500 to 2,000 words. The recordings include all the texts in French for each lesson and the translation exercises from the book. These progressively more challenging texts have been recorded by professional native speakers. - Lively, useful dialogue - Carefully-constructed...
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