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Libro Conexiónes

Are you making the most of the moments in your life? Time passes so quickly that we forget to stop to smell the roses. Connections, a dual language book written in English and Spanish, inspired by Andrew Holmes, a college student whose journey ended too soon, will encourage you to appreciate people and life?s experiences. Author Maria Amparo de Fatima Holmes is a devoted wife, a loving mother and a dedicated teacher with a passion for enriching the lives of those whom she touches. Born in Columbia South America, Maria and her family moved to North America and made a home in St. Louis, Missouri when she was a young girl. She married the love of her life, Thomas Holmes in 1976. They raised three beautiful, children, Angela, Anna and Andrew, who shared a very special bond. Maria is very proud of her Colombian heritage and has spent the past twenty years teaching pre-school to adult learners the Spanish language. She shares her Columbian traditions and culture through food, language, dancing and the love of living a good life with family. To enrich and expand the minds of young people is what Maria really values and strives to do every day. She knows that learning and having rich experiences improves understanding, communication and will lead to new opportunities for all people, and especially children. Maria?s role as a mother is what she treasures most. She was inspired to write ?Connections, Making the Most of the Moment? after her son Andrew passed in November 2010 from complications from a previous car accident. She wants every person to treasure their lives, their families, their neighbors and to treasure each and every moment.

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Número de páginas 180


  • Maria Amparo Holmes


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