El cielo en un infierno cabe
Sinopsis del Libro

Toledo, 1625. El Santo Tribunal de la Inquisici�n juzga a una bella y misteriosa mujer de la que se dice que puede sanar y destruir con el roce de sus manos. Pero lo que comienza siendo un proceso rutinario por brujer�a acaba revelando una tr�gica historia de amor repleta de pasi�n, muerte, magia, orgullo y pecado. El Santo Tribunal de la Inquisici�n juzga a una bella y misteriosa mujer de la que se dice que puede sanar y destruir con el roce de sus manos. Pero lo que comienza siendo un proceso rutinario por brujer�a acaba revelando una tr�gica historia de amor repleta de intriga, pasi�n, muerte, magia, orgullo y pecado. Una apasionante novela en la �poca de las brujas y las beatas, de los exorcismos y los milagros, cuando la m�stica y el fervor religioso conviv�an con la sensualidad y la magia. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A thrilling novel set in the era of witches and saints, of exorcisms and miracles, when mysticism and religious fervor coexisted with sensuality and magic. Toledo, 1625. A woman is held prisoner in the secret prison of the Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition, accused of witchcraft. Several people swear that she causes illnesses and bad luck just by the touch of her bare hands. Is she a witch or a saint? Or perhaps just a fraud? The primary witness is Berenjena, a laundress at the Santa Soledad Shelter in the Villa of Madrid. Her tale dates back to the day that the accused woman, then just a defenseless baby, arrived at the shelter wrapped in a strangely embroidered blue shawl. She had such a high fever that they instantly feared for her life. These were tragic times in which the balck plague sowed terror. Berenjena wanted to investigate the mysterious origin of the little girl, but the closer she got to the truth, the more dangerous her investigation became, and several people involved in her birth turned up dead... The revelations about her past will decide the verdict that will seal her fate.
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