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El Producto Interno Bruto: Una Historia Breve Pero Entranable

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Libro El Producto Interno Bruto: Una Historia Breve Pero Entranable

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was created during 1940s. It's a key indicator of economic policy, and it's considered as rule to measure the significance of a country's economy, and it's a common base for other important indicators, such as fiscal deficit and the human development index (HDI). Diane Coyle reminds us that this instrument is not supposed to turn into a fetish; on the contrary, since it possesses a history that explains its consolidation, along with a structure and strategies that show the conception of economy from those who postulate it. Nonetheless, the GDP is currently one of the most important indicators; if its scope and limitations are understood, it can fight the biggest challenges of inequality, well-being, and sustainability.

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Número de páginas 204


  • Diane Coyle


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