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Jesús y Magdalena

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Jesús y Magdalena

With a liberating psychotherapeutic vision of Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalena, Robert Navarro guides the reader to overcome neurosis, stop family and social violence, and reach a pure conscience. In order to do this, the author restores and revitalizes the historical personality of Jesus of Nazareth. He proposes a path to integrate personal development in oneself which may include sexual relations, as was the case with Magdalena. Jesus affirms that salvation is brought upon oneself and that God is the father of all, that he listens and pardons us for our sins. The Catholic Church declares that sexual material is almost always sinful. Here the author suggests advice to help break this mental framework.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Una Nueva Visión Terapéutica de Su Relación para Sanar Nuestra Espiritualidad

Número de páginas 224


  • Roberto Navarro


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