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La búsqueda de la velocidad: Los vehículos (The Quest for Speed: Vehicles) 6-Pack

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La búsqueda de la velocidad: Los vehículos (The Quest for Speed: Vehicles) 6-Pack

The need for speed is the motivating factor in this engaging, Spanish book. Readers learn the history of travel from the very slow to the supersonic and beyond, including everything in between. They learn and discover the factors that influence motion for all types of vehicles: land, air, and water alike. They also learn different ways to measure speed and read about energy uses for different vehicles. With greater speed comes greater risk. Readers learn how engineers are always seeking new and better ways to keep people safe as they travel faster and go farther. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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Número de páginas 32



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Limoi bat imintziorik egin gabe jaten baduzu, izenburutik hasita, ohiz kanpoko liburua da. Pamiesek egunerokotasuna preso baten pazientziaz xehatu eta gure ekintza bakoitza puska bakan eta, aldi berean, ezaguterraza bihurtu du. Arruntak diren egoeretatik abiatuz, errealitateak daukan ukitu surrealista baztertu gabe, irakurlearentzat ohikoa, erosoa baina izugarria den mundua sortu du. Estilo preziosista ezin zehatzagoaz, katalanak soberan gramo bat bera ere ez duten hogei ipuin idatzi ditu, gu guztiongan imintzio ezagutezin bat marrazteko.

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