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¡No te limites! Nuevas ideas (Outside the Box: New Ideas!)

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Libro ¡No te limites! Nuevas ideas (Outside the Box: New Ideas!)

Do you want to set your imagination free? Do you want to dream up amazing ideas and incredible inventions? You can! This book is all about getting creative. Anyone can do it. So get ready to start thinking outside the box! This full-color nonfiction reader will engage students in reading while introducing them to new vocabulary terms and concepts. Important text features include a glossary and a table of contents to develop students' comprehension and literacy skills. This Spanish book aligns with national and state standards and features exciting TIME For Kids content to keep English language learners engaged in learning.

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Número de páginas 28



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¡No te limites! Nuevas ideas (Outside the Box: New Ideas!)

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Do you want to set your imagination free? Do you want to dream up amazing ideas and incredible inventions? You can! This book is all about getting creative. Anyone can do it. So get ready to start thinking outside the box! This full-color nonfiction reader will engage students in reading while introducing them to new vocabulary terms and concepts. Important text features include a glossary and a table of contents to develop students' comprehension and literacy skills. This Spanish book aligns with national and state standards and features exciting TIME For Kids content to keep English...

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