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Noche Antigua

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Libro Noche Antigua

Ancient Night combines many short stories from the oral tradition, like the one of the bunny and the possum, as well as the invented rivalry between the two that serves to tell the story of what happens at night behind the maize: the adventures of a hard-working bunny and an audacious possum that come and go through the field, making the moon change its appearance and the night transform into day. This silent album is inspired in the complex and monumental Middle American thinking, which conceives the origin of things in a dual way; due to this, the also illustrator of The well of the mice represents multiple dualities, like the day and night, life and death, down and up, darkness and light, among others that when putting them with their opposite they maintain the balance. With these illustrations, David lvarez was selected for the exhibition and catalog of The Children Book Fair of Bologna in 2015.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 40


  • David Daniel Alvarez Hernandez


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