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Productores y consumidores (Producers and Consumers)

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Libro Productores y consumidores (Producers and Consumers)

This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students about producers and consumers, and introduces them to important scientific concepts and vocabulary terms like nutrient cycle, food web and photosynthesis. The intriguing images, detailed diagrams, and stimulating sidebars will keep students connected to the text. The fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports differentiation. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book.

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Número de páginas 32



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88 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro ¡Supervivencia! Jungla (Survival! Jungle)

Do you know the important skills it takes to survive in the jungle? Learn about them in this useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With helpful diagrams, vital tips and instructions, vivid images, and a glossary of useful terms, this title will have readers feeling aware and prepared!

Jane Goodall (Spanish Edition)

Libro Jane Goodall (Spanish Edition)

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Jane Goodall had a passion to learn about animals. Readers will learn all about her adventurous life among chimpanzees and other primates in this inspiring, Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical title. Children will be fascinated by the vibrant images, stimulating facts, and accessible glossary that will assist in vocabulary improvement.

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Libro Mil Recuerdos & Un Café

La idea insistente de inmortalizar lo intangible. Los pensamientos sublimes de situaciones, cosas, o personas que estallan en la mente. Saber que con una pluma y un papel se pueden plasmar vidas, sentimientos y añoranzas. En cada poema se describe un recuerdo, un momento que se quiso hacer eterno... los paseos por la montaña, los ojos cafés llenos de otoño, las largas caminatas bajo el dorado sol de la tarde, tomar una cerveza a la orilla del mar, o una taza de café al despertar, el amor de una madre hacia una hija y viceversa, los besos entre sábanas blancas, la muerte de quien tanto...

Mujeres en las fuerzas armadas (Women in the Military)

Libro Mujeres en las fuerzas armadas (Women in the Military)

For thousands of years, militaries around the world were limited to male soldiers. However, throughout history, brave women have stepped out of the background and onto the battlefield. This biographical text covers the important women who’ve broken ground in the military. Famous historical figures such as Joan of Arc, Clara Barton, and Florence Nightingale are covered in depth, while the stories of modern-day heroes are presented to show how women are still affecting change on the front lines. A comprehensive timeline, fact boxes, and historical and modern images complete this...

Espíritus que habitan el arte

Libro Espíritus que habitan el arte

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