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Tarot de Las Brujas Mini

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Libro Tarot de Las Brujas Mini

A Fabulous Mini Edition of the Witches Tarot This fun mini-edition of the bestselling Witches Tarot is perfect for on-the-go readings. Small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse, you can carry your deck everywhere. It also makes a great gift or stocking stuffer for tarotists. Whether you are an expert reader or just starting your tarot journey, a tarot mini will be an exciting and practical addition to your collection. Based on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck and filled with images that speak to today's magickal practitioner, witchcraft takes center stage in this stunning deck designed by highly respected Witch and Tarot reader Ellen Dugan. Here, the Hierophant becomes the High Priest, Wheel of Fortune becomes Wheel of the Year, and Judgement becomes Karma. Featuring the vibrant artwork of award-winning artist Mark Evans, Witches Tarot is the perfect combination of Tarot and the Craft.

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  • Ellen Dugan


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