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The Definitive Guide to Modern Supply Chain Management (Collection)

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Libro The Definitive Guide to Modern Supply Chain Management (Collection)

A brand new collection of state-of-the-art guides to more effective supply chain management… 4 pioneering books, now in a convenient e-format, at a great price! 4 up-to-the-minute books help you build and optimize agile, flexible, efficient global supply chains — in the face of any challenge! As a supply chain or operations professional, you face unprecedented challenges in delivering the agile, resilient, efficient supply chain your company needs. This indispensable 4-book package gives you unprecedented resources, best practices, tools, and case studies for managing each of these challenges. Global Macrotrends and Their Impact on Supply Chain Management shows how to manage supply and demand in the face of massively disruptive emerging societal, technological, geopolitical, and environmental macro trends. You’ll find a complete decision framework and practical tools, insights, and guidance for systematically mitigating new risks and building long-term competitive advantage. Step by step, you’ll walk through assessing and responding to population growth, migration, urbanization; socioeconomic change, global connectivity, environmental issues, geopolitics, growing scarcity, transportation congestion, aging infrastructure, and more. Next, Supply Chain Network Design helps you use strategic network design techniques to drive dramatic new savings throughout your supply chain. The authors, who are experts at IBM and Northwestern University, combine rigorous principles and practical applications, helping you optimize the right number, location, territory, and size of warehouses, plants, and production lines; and optimize product flow through even the most complex global supply chains. They help you manage tradeoffs such as cost vs. service level, improve operational decision-making through analytics; and re-optimize regularly for even greater savings. Then, Demand and Supply Integration shows how to implement world-class demand forecasting management, and effectively integrate it into comprehensive Demand and Supply Integration (DSI) processes. You’ll learn how to recognize failures of demand/supply integration, approach Demand Forecasting as a management process, and choose and apply the best forecasting techniques. You’ll discover how to thoroughly reflect market intelligence in forecasts; measure forecasting performance; implement advanced demand forecasting systems; manage Demand Reviews, and more. Finally, The Supply Chain Management Casebook brings together 30 up-to-date, focused case studies illuminating every aspect of modern supply chain management — from procurement to warehousing, strategy to risk management, IT to supplier selection and ethics. Contributors present key challenges in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to fashion, and preview issues ranging from the “limits of lean” to the potential of 3-D printing. Both qualitative and quantitative cases are included; quantitative cases are supported by completed numerical solutions, and, where applicable, associated spreadsheets. From supply chain experts Chad W. Autry, Thomas J. Goldsby, John E. Bell, Michael Watson, Sara Lewis, Peter Cacioppi, Jay Jayaraman, Mark A. Moon, and Chuck Munson

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 1387


  • Chad W. Autry
  • Thomas J. Goldsby
  • John Bell


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