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Trabajadores que me cuidan (Workers Who Take Care of Me)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Trabajadores que me cuidan (Workers Who Take Care of Me)

Trabajadores que me cuidan (Workers Who Take Care of Me) builds critical literacy skills with this exciting Spanish-translated nonfiction reader. Engage students with fascinating content that will keep them enthralled from the first page to the last. Focusing on different types of workers, children will be introduced to all the people who work hard to take care of us. This informational text features simple phrases, exact text-to-image relationships, vivid photographs, and large font to encourage students to examine different professions, including doctors, police officers, and firefighters. Aligned with state standards, Trabajadores que me cuidan (Workers Who Take Care of Me) features age-appropriate content that prepares students for college and career readiness.

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Número de páginas 12



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