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Como Descubrir la Voluntad de Dios

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Libro Como Descubrir la Voluntad de Dios

Finding the will of God for our lives should be easy. After all, we know and love the Lord and want to serve Him. Yet around the corner of our surrender to the Lord we sometimes find confusion and regrets. "Did we miss the turn in the road?" a you pastor asked me, "Things have not been as we were led to believe they would be." Around our glad, "Yes Lord, anytime, anywhere, anyway," may be a day that finds us saying, "Oh no, Lord, I never expected this!" My husband was addressing the questions of a crowd of British teenagers who wanted to know just how they could know the will of God for their lives. He gave a great illustration. "Life is like a runway," he said. "Before a plane lands it helps to have the lights that lead up to the runway lit." Then he talked about those landing lights. The Advice of Christians: Seek out Christians who are a little bit further along the road of faith than you are. It also helps if they know you well. Inner Convictions: This is different from feelings. The Holy Spirit does not come into our lives to do His deepest work in the shallowest part of us, which is our emotions. He comes to do His illuminating work in the deepest part of us which is in our knowings--our convictions. The Word of God: Principles from the Word will help us know his will. As we diligently keep our head in the Book, a line of action will be confirmed. Circumstances: How are the circumstances pointing? Common Sense: God expects us to use our reasoned judgment which is another word for common sense. Honesty: Ask yourself, "Do I really want to know the will of God, whatever it is?" Once as many of these lights as possible are lit, then land on the runway, asking God to--if you havemisread the lights--abort your landing! "What happens i

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Como Aceptar el Plan de Dios para Mi Vida

Número de páginas 77


  • Jill Briscoe


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