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El aragonés Cosme Bueno y la Descripción geográfica del Río de la Plata (1768-1776)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El aragonés Cosme Bueno y la Descripción geográfica del Río de la Plata (1768-1776)

"Reprint of Bueno's description of the interior regions of the La Plata Viceroyalty, including Chile, Alto Perú, Tucumán, and Chaco, follows a solid introduction. From Lima, the doctor/scientist gathered information for the Crown. In addition to a brief overview of the geography and climate, Bueno usually gave cursory information on population, government, and Church"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 285


  • Ramón María Serrera Contreras
  • Luisa Vila Vilar
  • María Concepción Hernández-díaz Tapia


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