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El arte del teatro de sombras ebook

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El arte del teatro de sombras ebook

People have been using shadow puppets to entertain people for centuries. Learn the history of shadow puppets and the "technology" behind them with this STEAM book that will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this book features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that guides students step-by-step through the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from actual Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields. Perfect for English language learners, this Spanish book builds 1st grade students’ early literacy skills.

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Tu mundo: Gérmenes: Suma y resta (Your World: Germs: Addition and Subtraction)

Libro Tu mundo: Gérmenes: Suma y resta (Your World: Germs: Addition and Subtraction)

Germs. Everybody has them! Some germs help people. Some germs can harm people. Add and subtract with tens as you learn all about germs. This Spanish math book combines math and reading skills and uses real-life examples of problem solving to teach subject-area content. The dynamic images, detailed sidebars, practice problems, and math diagrams make learning arithmetic easy and fun. Text features include a table of contents, a glossary, an index, and captions to build vocabulary and increase understanding of math and reading concepts. An in-depth problem-solving section provides additional...

El viento del norte y el sol (The North Wind and the Sun)

Libro El viento del norte y el sol (The North Wind and the Sun)

A traveler wrapped in a cloak walks down a lonely road. The north wind and the sun watch from above the traveler. They wonder which of them is more powerful than the other. The wind and sun make a bet to see who can get the traveler to remove the cloak. They both try their best. The wind blows with a truly powerful force. But what can the sun do? Can it win the bet by being the first to make the traveler remove the cloak?

¡Comunícate! Las letras de las canciones pop

Libro ¡Comunícate! Las letras de las canciones pop

Pop on over, pop open this book, and pop into the world of pop song lyrics! Pop is short for popular, and pop songs are the ones that everyone is singing. But what makes them pop? And how much popping does it take until everyone wants to sing along? This Spanish nonfiction book breaks down what makes a successful pop song, and will keep students engaged in reading as they build their literacy, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Important text features include a glossary, index, and table of contents. The Reader's Guide and culminating activity require students to connect back to the text...

Como las mariposas ebook

Libro Como las mariposas ebook

What do solar panels, waterproof clothing, and window coverings have in common? They are technologies that have been adapted based on studying butterflies! Learn what scientists have learned from butterflies with this Spanish book that will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that guides students step-by-step through the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from actual...

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La Cómic-Agenda

Libro La Cómic-Agenda

Advertencia: En el proceso de realización de esta Cómic-Agenda no han sufrido daños ni profesores ni alumnos. Las proezas que encontrarán en este libro han sido realizadas por profesionales del extremo aburrimiento, por lo que no las intenten imitar en su casa. Estos cómics tienen derechos de autor. Cualquier intento de pirateo será penalizado. Si encuentra a cualquier persona intentando copiar, no dude en avisarnos gritando. ¡No acepte imitaciones! Si sigue estas advertencias, conseguirá risas aseguradas.

Por Que Algunos Animales Viven en Nidos

Libro Por Que Algunos Animales Viven en Nidos

Correlated to the science curriculum, our Spanish-language series describes how the types of homes that different animals build reflect adaptations to their environments. Through simple, easy-to-follow text, each volume looks at each type of home as a shelter from predators and weather and a place to store food and raise young. Young readers also learn how animal homes and human homes fulfill similar needs and functions.

¿Hay filosofía en tu nevera?

Libro ¿Hay filosofía en tu nevera?

La filosofía como nunca te la han contado. Descúbrela y sacia tu hambre de conocimiento. ¿Quién soy? ¿Qué hago aquí? ¿Qué es la realidad? ¿Soy libre? ¿Cuál es el sentido de la vida? Y, si no tiene sentido, ¿vale la pena vivirla? ¿Cómo puedo comprender este mundo loco? Y, por cierto... ¿qué venía a buscar a la nevera? Si las grandes preguntas te asaltan en el momento menos pensado, está claro que tienes hambre de conocimiento. En este original recorrido por la historia del pensamiento descubrirás que la filosofía está en todas partes... ¡Incluso dentro y fuera de tu...


Libro Lovecraft

Pocos escritores han tenido una vida tan paradójica como H.P. Lovecraft, el excéntrico y solitario «escritor de espantos» de Providence, considerado por todos como el gran maestro del horror sobrenatural. Sin embargo, Lovecraft murió en el más completo anonimato, sin haber visto editado en vida un volumen de sus narraciones. Fue un misántropo incurable, y sin embargo era apreciado por todos los que le conocieron y se vio rodeado por un círculo de fieles admiradores que lucharon denodadamente para rescatar su obra del olvido. Fue un gran materialista científico enfangado en...

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