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English for Everyone

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Libro English for Everyone

Our Intermediate to Advanced Box Set is a great bundle of supportive reference guides and practice books to introduce English language rules, grammar, and vocabulary at an advanced level. Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Books use visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside the bundled Practice Books. In Level 3, expand your English conversational topics by increasing the detail around your interests, life stories, and achievements, as well as being able to give instructions, advice, or solutions to problems. Continue to an advanced understanding in Level 4 and cover topics such as family life, careers and business, news and media, and even laws, rules, and regulations. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Box Set provides: - Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations - Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App). - Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units, mirrored in both the Course and Practice Books for easy referencing and teaching - Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of English grammar in use, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences - Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book - Personalised learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their prompts and translations The English for Everyone Level 3 & 4 Bundle resources cover the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR: B1 - C2 - TOEFL: test paper 340-580, computer-based test 60-240, and online test 20-95 - IELTS: 3.5-7 - TOEIC: 500-900 English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that supports English learning for adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.

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Subtitulo : Intermediate and Advanced


  • Gill Johnson


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