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Guía Para Personas Con Una Enfermedad Pulmonar Crónica

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Libro Guía Para Personas Con Una Enfermedad Pulmonar Crónica

Chronic Lung Disease (New edition of "To Air is Human") is the most effective teaching tool for patients with lung disease. Newly updated, this book provides options for patients who may feel that they have very few choices with their current condition. It helps them cope with their disease by providing important facts as well as emotional support and encouragement. With Chronic Lung Disease, your patients have step by step instructions for performing controlled coughing and pursed lip breathing, as well as other important techniques to make them feel more comfortable. In addition, this book provides a wealth of information on different medicines and therapies, including using an oxygen concentrator and aerosol therapy. Put your patients at ease and in the know with Chronic Lung Disease.

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Número de páginas 82


  • Pritchett &. Hull


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