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Mujeres en las fuerzas armadas (Women in the Military)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Mujeres en las fuerzas armadas (Women in the Military)

For thousands of years, militaries around the world were limited to male soldiers. However, throughout history, brave women have stepped out of the background and onto the battlefield. This biographical text covers the important women who’ve broken ground in the military. Famous historical figures such as Joan of Arc, Clara Barton, and Florence Nightingale are covered in depth, while the stories of modern-day heroes are presented to show how women are still affecting change on the front lines. A comprehensive timeline, fact boxes, and historical and modern images complete this curriculum-based text’s respectful treatment of the female heroes in today’s fighting forces.

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Número de páginas 32



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Eleanor Roosevelt SP

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Libros Recomendados 2025

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