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Nutrition Relationship with Health and Life

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Nutrition Relationship with Health and Life

Nutrition is of great importance to achieve and maintain health. It is essential to educate about the different aspects of healthy eating because it constitutes a set of voluntary actions that are the choice, preparation and subsequent ingestion of food, all closely related to the sociocultural and economic environment that determines dietary habits and different lifestyles. So knowing feed is an essential to conserve and be in health condition. This book addresses different aspects for the prevention of any disease, chronic insisting, among which include cancer, through proper diet and healthy lifestyle. Our concern is that the reader expand your mind through knowledge about diet and discuss whether being done properly and educate their families and those around you, thereby helping them stay healthy. This book is intended to highlight the relationship between Food and Nutrition recovery with different diseases and providing appropriate nutritional care to people.

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Número de páginas 154


  • Miriam Bolet


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