Yakov Y Los Siete Ladrones/yakov And The Seven Thieves
Sinopsis del Libro

"I want you to go into town and find all the thieves, pickpockets, and criminals who live there," said the wise old man. "Then I want you to bring them to me. The worse they are, the better." Pavel's big green eyes grew even bigger. "But Grandfather," he said, "isn't that dangerous?" The wise old man put his hand on his heart and said, "You must trust me. . . ." Spanish title: YAKOV Y LOS SIETE LADRONES Un viejo sabio le pide a su nieto que vaya a la ciudad y traiga a todos los ladrones y criminales que viven alli. Cuanto mas malos sean, mejor. El chico pregunta si eso no sera peligroso, pero el viejo sabio pone su mano en el corazon del chico y le pide que confie en el.
Ficha Técnica del Libro
Número de páginas 32
- Madonna
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