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Amate tradition

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Libro Amate tradition

An outstanding exhibition catalogue and documentation of the Amate paintings and artwork of the Nahuatl-speaking communities in Mexico's Balsas River basin. The collection originated from work done to protest the construction of a hydroelectric dam near San Juan Tetelcingo in 1990. Intended for reproduction as flyers in an unconventional message of protest, the resulting art far surpassed any aesthetic or political expectation and evolved into an exhibition at the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum. The numerous color photographs attest to the works' power and dignity. The accompanying text details the history of the indigenous people and their art in both Spanish and English, also with extraordinary photographs of daily life and celebrations. The volume's price is an extraordinary value. Lacks an index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 168


  • Mexican Fine Arts Center--museum (chicago, Ill.)


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