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Descubramos Israel (Looking at Israel)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Descubramos Israel (Looking at Israel)

Ideal for English language learners, this Spanish-language series provides a lively first look at people and countries around the world. The simple text is supported by large, colorful photos. Titles feature an overview of each country's people, land, weather, homes, food, and lifestyle.

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Número de páginas 32



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Libro Descubramos Alemania (Looking at Germany)

Ideal for English language learners, this Spanish-language series provides a lively first look at people and countries around the world. The simple text is supported by large, colorful photos. Titles feature an overview of each country's people, land, weather, homes, food, and lifestyle.

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Baby Seal Story

Libro Baby Seal Story

Describes the life of a baby seal, from birth with fur so wet it looks yellow, through molting and learning to swim and hunt, to setting off into the open sea.

Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Libro Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version)

Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in fighting for Civil Rights for all people. In this Spanish-translated biography, readers will learn about his inspirational life as he fought for equality of African Americans through nonviolence. The rich photos, supportive text, helpful glossary, timeline, table of contents, and index give readers important information for understanding King's fight against Jim Crow Laws.

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