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El Libro del Periodo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El Libro del Periodo

What is my period exactly? Do I need to see a doctor? What does it feel like to wear a pad? What if I get my period at school? Karen Gravelle and her fifteen-year-old niece, Jennifer Gravelle, have written a down-to-earth and practical book that answers any questions you might have about your period, from what it is and what it feels like, to how to choose pads and tampons, to how to talk to your parents about it. The Period Book will help guide you through all the physical, emotional, and social changes that come with your period, as well as related issues like dealing with pimples, mood swings, and new expectations from friends and family. Debbie Palen's funny and sympathetic cartoons ease the confusion and exasperation you might feel, and celebrate the new sense of power and maturity that your period can bring. Perfect for sharing, The Period Book is a trusty friend that can help you feel happy and confident about this new phase of your life.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 117


  • Karen Gravelle
  • Jennifer Gravelle


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