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¡Está vivo! (Living!)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¡Está vivo! (Living!)

It is time to learn about living things! Can you spot which things are living? Can you tell which things are nonliving? With images that are easy to identify and clear, simple sentence structures, this Spanish science reader simplifies scientific concepts for young readers. A fun and easy science experiment and Your Turn! activity provide more in-depth opportunities for additional learning. Nonfiction text features include a glossary and an index. Engage young learners with this dynamic text!

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Número de páginas 24



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Cómo cambiarlo todo

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Libro Carcaj

The poetry of Mercedes Roffe knows how to surround the silence, seduce the readers from an abyss feeling, and dares to skirt the limits in a plural sense. It is a return trip to the genesis and future of every word, a journey whose highest points happen whenever lightning appears. That is, whenever Roffe captures the poetic brilliance of words. She is currently one of the greatest voices in Argentine poetry. Some of the most sensitive aspects of human experiences are included in this ninth book of poems."

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