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Sobre los mamíferos

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Sobre los mamíferos

An award-winning first glimpse into the diverse natural world of mammals. This addition to the acclaimed About... series explains to children in simple, easy-to-understand language what mammals are, what they eat, and where they live. Beautifully detailed, realistic paintings by wildlife illustrator John Sill introduce readers to the huge variety of mammals, from the tiny white-footed deermouse to the large American bison. An afterword provides more details about the animals featured in the book. Parents and pre-school and primary-grade teachers will find this an attractive choice for introducing kids to mammals.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Una guía para niños

Número de páginas 48



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47 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro La fuerza y el movimiento (Forces and Motion)

Newton's laws aren't the easiest science topics to digest. Struggling readers likely find understanding them even harder. This volume breaks down the topics of force and motion to its most basic and understandable parts, perfect to introduce to readers having a hard time or students looking to review for class. Written in succinct language, each chapter contains fact boxes and graphic organizers to aid all readers as they move from speed, to velocity and on.

Ciencia para niños

Libro Ciencia para niños

Ciencia para niños es sobre todo un libro divertido que interactúa constantemente con el lector y lo sumerge en las maravillas de la ciencia. Su principal objetivo es acercar la ciencia a los niños a través de un viaje por la ciencia y la tecnología. Se trata de un viaje en el tiempo, desde la actualidad hasta la antigüedad y, a su vez, por diferentes rincones de la tierra y por la inmensidad del universo. Disponible en catalán, para comprarlo haz clic aquí.

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