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Velocidad sin vuelo (Fast and Flightless)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Velocidad sin vuelo (Fast and Flightless)

Young children are natural problem-solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting animals. This Spanish-language edition of Fast and Flightless provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using the photos and text, readers rely on visual literacy skills, reading, and reasoning as they solve the animal mystery. Clearly written facts give readers a deeper understanding of how the animal lives. Additional text features, including a glossary and an index, help students locate information and learn new words.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Avestruz (Ostrich)

Número de páginas 24



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74 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Valientes plumíferos (Feathered and Fierce)

Young children are natural problem-solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting animals. This Spanish-language edition of Feathered and Fierce provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using the photos and text, readers rely on visual literacy skills, reading, and reasoning as they solve the animal mystery. Clearly written facts give readers a deeper understanding of how the animal lives. Additional text features, including a glossary and an index, help students locate information and learn new words.

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Schrijven kan meer zijn dan geld verdienen: het kan een manier zijn om problemen op te lossen. Maar wat gebeurt er als de inspiratie verdwijnt?

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