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Examen de Las Políticas Comerciales 2015

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Examen de Las Políticas Comerciales 2015

"Trade Policy Reviews" analyze the trade policies and practices of every member of the World Trade Organization. As well as analyzing by sector and by trade measure, the reports also look into the country s wider economic environment. The reviews consist of three main parts: an independent report by the WTO secretariat, a report by the government, and the concluding remarks by the chair of the WTO s Trade Policy Review Body following discussion of the review by the WTO membership. A key trade facts section at the front of the review provides a handy visual overview of the country s major exports/imports, its main export destinations, the main countries of origin for its imports and other key economic data. Each "Trade Policy Review" consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts. 15 to 20 new review titles are published each year. The reviews consist of detailed chapters examining the trade policies and practices of the member and describing trade policy-making institutions and the macroeconomic situation; these chapters are preceded by the Secretariat's Summary Observations, which summarize the report and presents the Secretariat's perspective on the member's trade policies. The Secretariat report and the member's policy statement are published after the review meeting, along with the minutes of the meeting and the text of the Chairperson's Concluding Remarks."

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Subtitulo : República Dominicana


  • World Trade World Trade Organization


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