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Five Centuries of Spanish Literature

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Libro Five Centuries of Spanish Literature

In Spanish. This representative selection of Spanish literature from the twelfth to the seventeenth century provides a coherent study of full-length works rather than isolated remnants. These carefully chosen selections portray those persons and events of literary or historical significance that best illustrate the evolution of Spains national character. English aids and an extensive vocabulary list achieve a comprehensive picture for the reader so as to facilitate an understanding of the robust nature of the Spanish language. Explanatory footnotes are plentiful throughout the book. The literature is cross-referenced, clearly creating a bridge of unity and continuity that links the many voices and motifs that have endured through the centuries. This anthology provides readers with an enriching and vibrant look at Spain during important periods of history.

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Subtitulo : From the Cid through the Golden Age

Número de páginas 352


  • Linton Lomas Barrett


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