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Composición: Proceso y síntesis

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Libro Composición: Proceso y síntesis

Composición: Proceso y síntesis is designed for use in the advanced Spanish composition course to help students develop the ability to perform the writing tasks that are generally expected of Spanish majors and minors. Since the publication of the first edition, instructors in this course have conveyed an increased interest in the development of functional, purposeful language skills, and the authors factored this into their revision. This fifth edition also takes into account recent findings in writing research, and owes many of its improvements to the helpful feedback from those who have used this best-selling textbook for more than twenty years. With the CourseSmart e Textbook version of this title students can save up to 50% off the cost of a print book, reduce their impact on the environment, and access powerful web tools for learning. Faculty can also review and compare the full text online without having to wait for a print desk copy. For maxiumum portability, e Textbooks can be viewed on an iPhone or iPod Touch, and they can be printed.

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Número de páginas 336


  • Thomasina Pagán Hannum
  • Guadalupe Valdés
  • Trisha Dvorak


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