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Oracional Bilingue Para Ninos

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Oracional Bilingue Para Ninos

Modeled after the adult version of Oracional bilingüe: A Prayer Book for Spanish-English Communities, this volume for children encourages prayer across national, cultural, and linguistic borders. Oracional bilingüe para niños provides Spanish and English texts of the most loved and commonly used prayers in large, readable type and in an easy-to-follow, facing-page, parallel presentation. The English text appears on the left page, with the Spanish text directly across from it on the right. In addition, illustrations by well-known artist Gertrud Mueller Nelson complement each page and add to the multi-cultural appeal of this work. The prayers are organized in chapters: "Prayer Throughout the Day," "The Way of the Cross," "The Holy Rosary," "The Most Holy Eucharist," and "Reconciliation: Sacrament of Forgiveness."

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : A Children's Prayerbook in Spanish-English

Número de páginas 91


  • Jorge Perales
  • Therese U. Grisewood
  • Renee Domeier


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